The intersection of personal finance, financial independence, and Disney.

Tag: General

Our purpose with this blog

personal finance blog purpose disney

Mixing the logic of personal finance with the magic of Disney

The purpose of this blog is to help regular people navigate the same path to financial independence I’ve chosen and thus have the most experience.  The original purpose of these posts was to be a collection of acquired wisdom to share with my son when he is old enough but if the path is good enough for him to follow, I figured I should make it available to others. Additionally, I’ll share some math based breakdowns of my life and Disney.  I want to mathify life and help everyone see the beauty in knowing the numbers that surround their life.

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Our Financial Independence Philosophy

financial philosophy marathon runners slow financial independence
Slow FI is like completing a marathon: enjoy the run
Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU on

Our financial independence philosophy is important. You should know if the writer is on the same page as you when reading. First I should explain why we are pursuing FIRE personally since it often helps to understand the context.  We are pursuing financial independence to have the financial security to give our life as many options as possible in as many situations as possible.

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