The intersection of personal finance, financial independence, and Disney.

Tag: Retirement

Retirement related

Save $15,000 in 15 Minutes for Retirement

save 15k in 15 minutes for retirement operating expenses

Sure. “I was able to save $15,000 more in 15 minutes for retirement and you can, too.” Ugh, I know… I know. We all hate it when personal finance writers assume that just because they were able to do something then it should be easy for everyone else, too. That said, what I did was incredibly generic and could apply to a lot of people out there with a company-sponsored 401k.

Can you really save $15,000 in 15 minutes?

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Step 7: Employer 401k Match

Employer 401k Match: Step 7 on the Path to Financial Independence

get your employer 401k match step 7 path to fi

Does your employer offer a 401k match with contribution program and do you contribute enough to get the full match? I hope if you are reading this you understand the importance of saving for retirement so I’ll skip that. What is more important here is saving for retirement with someone else’s money. The 401k match is essentially your employer giving you free money for retirement as long as you save too.

A 401k match is basically free money

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What FIRE means to us

what fire means to us fort wilderness peaceful Disney
Welcome to Disney’s Fort Wilderness, one of my happy places
Photographer: Mark Willard – Copyright © 2014 Disney Destinations, LLC, all rights reserved

What does FIRE even mean?

Eventually in your personal finance journey you get to a point where you are functionally on auto-pilot until you reach your “financial independence number” or FIRE Number.  Your FIRE Number is the investment balance at which, theoretically, you could withdraw from to maintain your current lifestyle for longer than you plan to remain alive without depleting the account.  That was a really morbid way of putting that… sorry.  It’s basically the amount of investments you need to be self-sustaining for the rest of your life.

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